Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Happy Couple

I'm pleased to report that Mr. Green has found his perfect mate. In Mrs. Green, he has found another sock, a sole mate, so perfect for him that they will never part. They have a lot in common and their attraction is a result of the "true compatibility" we've heard about on those tv commercials. Although, that's not how Mr. and Mrs. Green met. I see a long and happy future ahead for them. I appreciate Mr. Green's patience and am happy he has someone to keep him company during the day while I'm away.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger Crazy For Yarn In Alabama said...

TOO CUTE commentary!!! And congratulations to the happy couple!!! May they stay together forever!!!

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how couples start looking like one another? They must truly be in love for it to have happened so soon.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Teri.p said...

I wonder what those two get up to folded together in the sock drawer?

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Cracking me up! Seriously...
Very nice socks. Hope they have a very happy life together.


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