Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Mystery Begins . . .

I have completed the first clue of Mystery Stole 3. I was disturbed and frustrated to discovered my crochet hook was too big when I first attempted to complete the first clue on Friday. However, I placed another order at the Beadwrangler. My order arrived today. This is my first attempt at using beads and I must admit I'm smitten. I'm also in love with the beadwrangler. This is a business that still understands the importance of customer service! I am not a patient person, so I really appreciate the speed at which they ship. Of course, I always appreciate anything or anyone that exceeds my expectations. It's hard to do. I can be difficult. :-) If I could find a working camera I'd take a picture for you. Until then, you must content yourself with . . .

A photo from my trip to Oklahoma. We were at a botanical garden of some variety. It's a pineapple. Don't you think it's pretty? It was a revelation for me to discover, during my trip to Hawaii, that pineapples don't grow on trees. I don't know why I imagined the pineapple in a tree but I did. They are really quite peculiar but delicious. My mother is allergic to pineapples which must be a huge disappointment for her. I love fresh pineapple.

It is almost 1 a.m. Why am I still awake?


At 8:39 AM, Blogger Crazy For Yarn In Alabama said...

Hmmmm....I thought pineapples came in a can!! Waa Haaa Haaa!!!

Looking forward to seeing the progression of your mystery stole!!!!

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Tonni said...

What yarn are you using for the mystery stole? I am almost finished with the first clue... got frustrated because I need to take out a couple of rows to correct a mistake. I'm using Steel Zephyr. I hope you get a working camera soon because we need Pics!!

Mmmm... fresh pineapple. Growing up, my favorite sandwhich was pineapple w/mayo on white bread :)


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